Our Passion

We are extremely passionate about DBT because it works.

Dysregulated emotions can feel like being in the wilderness without a map. You’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to go or what to do.

Behaviors like substance abuse, dissociation, disordered eating, emotional avoidance, self-harm and suicide attempts can regulate emotions in the short-term; but in the long-term, you end up in more pain than where you started. What you’re doing is no longer working for you – it’s ineffective at obtaining your goals. And probably making things worse.

At some point, you learned that these behaviors were the best way to cope or react. It’s not your fault, but it’s in your hands now to fix. You don’t have to do it alone.

Let us guide you in unfamiliar territory

When you’re in therapy at Tulsa DBT, we will work together to figure out what’s getting in the way of the life you want to live-the life you value. We will help you develop new ways to effectively resolve those barriers.

DBT changes lives. A life without self-harm, suicide attempts, psychiatric hospitalizations, binge-eating, PTSD, relationship chaos, substance abuse, etc.

 Are you willing to try something different?

We’re here to help. Are you ready to effectively manage emotions, reach the goals that are meaningful to you and get your needs met?

Let’s not sugarcoat it – therapy is hard. Cleaning out your emotional closet and changing long-standing behavioral patterns are not easy tasks! But if you’ve read this far, then you might be ready for the life you believe could be possible. If you’re up to doing the work, we are here to guide, support, cheerlead and celebrate you every step of the way.

You won’t need us for long. You’ll be well on your way before you know it.